Helmed by Jeff Hare, ‘My Family’s Killer Affairs’ revolves around Nikki, a single mother whose life is upended after a shocking discovery. Twenty years ago, one of Nikki’s eggs was accidentally implanted into someone else during IVF treatment, leading to the birth of a long-lost daughter named Jenell, who is unknown to her. Soon, Nikki’s family dynamics are turned upside down as Jenell enters her life, creating a strong impression through her polished and seemingly perfect demeanor. However, Nikki’s daughter, Erica, senses something off about her new sibling, trusting her strong intuition. Soon, the family has to navigate the perils of inviting a stranger into their midst as their lives are put under threat. The Lifetime thriller movie tackles themes of secrets, lies, deception, IVF pregnancies, and motherhood.
My Family’s Killer Affairs is a Fictional Story That Possibly Draws From Real-Life Pregnancy Mix-Ups
‘My Family’s Killer Affairs’ is a fictional story created from the imagination of scriptwriter Michael Perronne. The film delves into the complexities of motherhood and pregnancies by focusing on an IVF mix-up that leads to dire consequences for Nikki and Erica, the central characters. While the plot itself is original, the context of an IVF mix-up is vaguely rooted in reality. In 2019, two California couples became entangled in a complex case after allegedly giving birth to each other’s babies. One of the couple, Daphna and Alexander Cardinale stated that the realization occurred to them after the former gave birth to a baby child with a darker complexion. They initially trusted that the medical clinic that carried out their in-vitro fertilization process was to be trusted. However, it was allegedly not the case, and the couple swapped the babies after a few months.
Cases of pregnancy mix-ups can be nightmarish for parents, as it often leads to a whole can of worms opening up. Additionally, there is a sense of fear and anxiety associated with such matters, which the Lifetime movie captures quite succinctly. Another real-life incident cropped up around 2019 when a New York couple alleged that the embryo implanted by their IVF clinic had been accidentally swapped. The couple had reportedly been expecting female twins but instead gave birth to male twins. The babies were allegedly handed over to their biological parents eventually. Thus, these real-life accounts illustrate the complexities of such cases and how they can be painful for the parents involved. Nikki goes through some similar challenges in the movie, albeit in a completely fictionalized context that has no tangible links to the specific instances provided.
My Family’s Killer Affairs Delves Into the Paranoia of Harboring a Loved One With a Hidden Agenda
Another important factor when discussing ‘My Family’s Killer Affairs’ is its emphasis on a dangerous force lurking within the confines of the household. Such narratives can often breed a sense of dread and paranoia, particularly as the notion of family is turned on its head. It breaches the sanctity and safety of a home and the inhabitants living within the four walls. As boundaries start to drop, the antagonistic character finds their way into the lives of the trusting family members. In the Jeff Hare directorial, this role is played by Jenell, Nikki’s long-lost and seemingly perfect daughter. Although there is something pure and refined about her, Erica suspects a darker nature lurks underneath her exterior. Her doubts eventually lead to a rift within the family dynamics.
It is likely that while developing the story, inspiration was taken from films with similar premise. For instance, in Barbet Schroeder’s 1992 thriller ‘Single White Female,’ a struggling and vulnerable woman dealing with a recent breakup finds her life upended after her newest roommate becomes obsessed with her. A story that begins with trust ends up turning into a chaotic affair of lies, deception, and secrets. The Lifetime movie shares similar themes while going down its own original route with numerous twists and turns. Thus, a combination of real-life cases and cinematic inspirations may have helped the creation process of ‘My Family’s Killer Affairs.’ However, its narrative largely follows an uncharted fictional path that is mainly conjured by the scriptwriter and brought to life through the cast and crew’s performance.
Read More: Smart Home Killer: Is the Lifetime Movie Based on a True Story?