Next Level Chef Season 4 Episode 5 Recap: Grills Gone Wild

Taking the heat up a notch, the competition of Fox’s ‘Next Level Chef’ season 4 is reaching its momentum. With a $250,000 prize and mentorship from three renowned names from the culinary world – Gordon Ramsay, Nyesha Arrington, and Richard Blais, the stakes are higher than ever. As the challenges become more demanding and the expectations rise with each passing day, the contestants must prove that they have what it takes to thrive under pressure. Episode 5, titled ‘Grills Gone Wild,’ begins with 14 such chefs, and now, it’s time to see who will prove their mettle and who will end up going home.

A Grilling Challenge Brings Anticipation and Excitement to the Kitchen

As the episode begins, the judges waste no time in revealing the second challenge of the season. The chefs are given just 30 minutes to create a next-level Barbeque feast, which can draw inspiration from any cuisine across the globe. However, Nyesha warns them that when Barbeque is done right, it is spectacular, but when done wrong, it can be downright inedible. So, she asks everyone to stay in control of the fire. With Nyesha’s team having claimed the top dish in the previous challenge, they secure the Top Kitchen for this round, whereas Richard’s team takes the Middle Kitchen, leaving Gordon in the dreaded Basement. As Nyesha’s team heads towards the elevator, Gordon jokingly refers to them as “Bobby’s Angels,” considering Bobby Hicks is the only male member, prompting laughter and providing them with a boost of energy before the battle begins.

In the Top Kitchen, Iman Kawa is thrilled to see Japanese grills since she knows they are the best to help control the heat. Simultaneously, Jeff Kim can hardly contain his excitement in the Middle Kitchen. This is his element, his passion, and seeing the grill feels like home to him. However, things in the Basement seem a little rough as they only have bricks and grates as their Barbeque appliances. Then comes the ingredient drop, where every chef races to choose their picks from the options available. Jeff initially reaches for the scallops but quickly changes his course when he spots pork belly since that’s what he is more familiar with.

Meanwhile, Megan “Meg” Sheley sets her sights on the frozen tilapia, but just as she is about to take it, Ryan Scanlon snatches it out of her hands. In his confession, he explains that since he grew up by the ocean, he refuses to let any seafood slip through his fingers. Left without her original choice, she ultimately settles for alligator nuggets despite having no clue what to do with them since she has never once worked with alligator meat before. However, Gordon is thrilled by her choice and even helps her understand how to deal with it, indicating her pick could be a game changer. With the clock starting to tick, the contestants dive into action, trying to create the next top dish.

Tension and Confidence Runs High as the Chefs Get to Work

With five minutes already gone, the judges check in on their team to see how their Barbeque creations are taking shape. Megan Keno shares her plan to make a Hawaiian-style Chicken dish inspired by her brother-in-law’s roots. Her idea sparks excitement in Richard, who reveals that he visits Hawaii for his birthday every single year. Meanwhile, in the Top Kitchen, Bobby keeps the energy high, motivating his team as he prepares his own food.

While some chefs are seen thriving, Becca Guevara struggles since she is unfamiliar with the Japanese grill. Although she finds herself at a loss initially, Nyesha steps in and guides her, demonstrating how she can adjust the coals to control the heat. In the Middle Kitchen, Brandon Rogers radiates sheer confidence, revealing that grilling is something that he loves to do. On the other hand, in the Basement, Arnav Kamulkar remarks that no one grabbed the scallops at the higher levels, which he takes as a sign that they do not belong there in the first place. Then comes the mid-challenge ingredient drop, and the chefs rush to pick 2-3 items to create Cornbread, which is a classic side for Barbeque dishes.

However, this proves to be a hurdle for both Cathy Cann and Jeff at the higher levels since neither of them knows how to make fresh Cornbread. Fortunately, they were not left alone to suffer as their mentors swooped in to help them out. With just 15 minutes left, some participants in the Top Kitchen start panicking, but both Bobby and Iman seem to be the voice of the reason, reassuring them that it is all okay. With 10 minutes left on the clock, Jeff begins struggling to figure out how to manage all his ingredients without under or overcooking anything. Being unable to tend to his Pork simultaneously only adds to his worries.

The Last Minutes of the Challenge Prove Crucial as Chefs Struggle to Complete Their Dishes

Becca’s panic level starts reaching a boiling point as she realizes her grill is not hot enough for her chicken thighs to cook through. She actually gets emotional, regretting not putting her protein on earlier. Natalia Gutierrez spares a few crucial moments and comes over herself to help her teammate, suggesting that she increases the heat by moving the coals around to one place. Nyesha also arrives to check in and notes that she can use the bottom of her hot pan to cook and bring some color to the chicken by placing it on top of the protein while it’s already on the grill. On the other hand, Beatrice Heirigs is sailing smoothly with her hard-to-cook ingredient, Lamb Heart, which surprises Gordon, and as he tastes it, he is already in awe of the dish.

Meanwhile, Jeff continues to fight against the clock to complete his dish. Amid this chaos, Natalia ends up wounding herself while chopping vegetables to plate on her dish. The medics are called in, but showing her resilience, she continues to check her Cornbread with her other hand. To much dismay, Cathy realizes she completely forgot to prepare her pickled cabbages, leaving her with no choice but to plate them raw. As the platform arrives, Becca starts praying that her chicken is completely cooked, and then, she luckily manages to put her dish on it at the very last second.

After the judges taste all the dishes prepared by the chefs, they have a hard time selecting the best dish. After careful consideration, they unanimously decide that Beatrice’s Lamb Heart is the undeniable showstopper of the challenge. On the flip side, they name Jeff and Cathy as the ones who will have to face off in the elimination round owing to the dryness of his Pork and the missing pickled flavor in Cathy’s dish. Although it is now time for the imminent decision, Becca expresses her gratitude, saying that she is grateful for the second chance. This is because she initially assumed that her chicken thighs were not being cooked properly, which would have ultimately shortened her time in the competition.

The Final Elimination Challenge is Marked With Intensity and Twists

With the final showdown at hand, the tensions are at an all-time high. While initially, Richard expresses his wish for Jeff to be nominated for elimination, he ends up using the immunity pin, not willing to risk his position this early in the game. This becomes a game changer when Richard finally decides to send strong ammunition, Brandon. While Cathy does not let this get to her and slips back into her no-nonsense mode, he seems quite confident in his footing. The elimination challenge thus begins with them getting just 20 minutes to create a next-level dish using Cauliflower. Brandon becomes quite happy since he is known to create exceptional things with this vegetable.

As the clock starts ticking, both the contestants hurry to create the dishes they have envisioned. However, with just 9 minutes to go, Cathy runs into trouble when her Cauliflower breaks apart in the pan. However, this does not stop her, and she continues to prepare her dish. On the other hand, the pressure gets a bit to Brandon when his Cauliflower Purée starts boiling over the vessel. He also expresses his concerns that his dish feels a little runny and should be thicker. Impressing Gordon, who was in charge for this round, the duo ends up showing incredible culinary expertise.

The tasting of the dishes begins with the arrival of Richard and Nyesha, and both of them gushes over how two of the dishes were prepared beautifully. Unfortunately, after much consideration, they send Cathy’s Cauliflower Steak home, breaking her heart. Gordon expresses how proud he is of her and refers to her as extraordinary. Bidding goodbye to the team, she discloses emotionally that she was here for herself and is finally leaving on a very high note. Adding to this, Cathy notes that this has been an honor for her, and she will proudly show this to her kids, letting them know that if they love something, they should grab it.

Read More: Next Level Chef Season 4 Episode 4 Recap: Ciao Down