Are Pat Miller and Bill Martin Based on Real People? Is Rhodes and Miller a Real Company?

As a limited drama that explores how the mothers of a small town called Corby fought for justice against their council after their negligence resulted in several kids being born with deformities, Netflix’s ‘Toxic Town’ is unlike any other. That’s because it explores every part of this real-life tale of incompetence and corruption in the small town of Corby in the UK, along with how some good people tried to raise alarms before it was too late. At the center of it all is the Rhodes and Miller Construction firm and executives Pat Miller and Bill Martin.

Pat Miller and Bill Martin Are Fictional Characters

While it’s true that Toxic Town is inspired by a real tale and some very real individuals, some themes and characters in it were concocted from the ground up so as to ensure a smooth flow of the story. Amongst them was Corby Counsil’s technician Bill Martin and Rhodes and Miller Construction’s Pat Miller. While the latter was responsible for overseeing rules being followed but instead chose to ignore all issues, resulting in his suspension, the latter was on a different scale altogether. So, while many people like Bill existed in Corby at the time of the issue, he is not exactly based on a single individual or a team.

As for Pat, while he is also not based on anyone in particular, his presence was crucial throughout the show as he proved to be the epitome of what was wrong at the time. After all, he encouraged his employees to drive trucks full of toxins uncovered and at high speed just so they could get the job done faster and get a better day. Furthermore, he too was interested in his own profit rather than thinking about anything or anyone else, resulting in his own private company thriving, yet at the cost of innocent lives.

What’s worse is that even when Pat reportedly learned of the truth and the effects of what he had done, he decided to cover up the issue instead of taking responsibility. The fact he had evolved into a council member himself by this point made it easier for him to do so, meaning he enjoyed the fruits of his negligent labor while others suffered. From a mere owner of a small, private construction company, he evolved into a full-fledged businessman and pillar of society, whose house went from a cozy place to a mansion and whose parties jumped from bar hangs on getting together at his residence with a string quartet playing. He is proof that corruption existed and that it went beyond just one person or party, but alas, no criminal charges were ever filed.

Rhodes and Miller Construction Does Not Exist

Just like Bill Martin and Pat Miller, Rhodes, and Miller Construction is also a fictional private company named to represent the many private firms who had a role to play in this entire incident. While Corby was a steel town at one point, to ensure it doesn’t just simply dissolve and become a ghost town, the counsil had hired private firms to remove steelwaster so as to get land for development.

However, despite knowing how toxic the wastes were, the firms did not adhere to the safety guidelines provided to them by experts. The truck drivers didn’t wear masks, the truck wheels weren’t cleaned, and the trucks full of waste being transported weren’t covered. The reason is that these things took time, and private companies urged their employees to do as much work as possible for a better profit. Some even gave financial incentives if they crossed a benchmark, and that’s what Rhodes and Miller represent in the show.

Read More: Toxic Town: Is Ted Jenkins Based on a Real Person? Where is He Now?