The Way Home Season 3 Finale Recap and Ending, Explained

The answers are finally here in the last episode of ‘The Way Home’ season 3, titled ‘If You Could Read My Mind.’ After weeks of misdirection and half-truths, episode 10 provides some much-needed insight into how the Landry family has been interconnected through time, even more so than we realized. While the episode emphasizes this through Colton’s perspective, it also poignantly wraps up the ongoing storyline for other Landry characters. The pond and the Landrys have been intertwined for generations, and this has caused some complex interactions to emerge as more and more users take a dip into the waters. In some ways, it has always been a curse, but the tenth episode highlights how beauty can also be found in it. Additionally, we get the answer behind a cryptic scene from the season’s start, which will likely lead us into season 4. SPOILERS AHEAD.

The Way Home Season 3 Episode 10 Recap

Episode 10 begins with a beautiful sequence that takes us back to when Alice first started time-traveling via the pond and came across older Colton. Now that we know Colton was a time traveler, we are shown how he suspects Alice may be a time traveler herself. As he spends more time with the girl, he remembers moments from his past when he used to perform with Alice in 1974. In the present-day timeline, Del, Sam, Jacob, and Kat are gathered at the living room table, where Sam explains how Jacob’s arson attempt from the previous episode has led to Lewis Goodwin pressing charges. Jacob’s actions were caught on camera, and there is no hiding from the truth. However, Jacob decides to make amends and leaves the house. Alice then heads back to 1999 to meet up with young Kat and Elliot, as mentioned in the earlier episodes.

Although the 1999 Kat and Elliot have seen Alice only two days before, Alice is overwhelmed with emotions to see them after months. She is happy to see her two friends play MASH together to predict their future lovers. Elliot hands Kat a mixtape at the end of the interaction, and Alice cries. Meanwhile, Jacob meets Elliot, and the two discuss the former’s recent arson attempt at the Goodwin vineyard. Jacob feels terrible about the whole thing now and does not know how to resolve the situation. Elliot produces the clock piece he found in the previous episode. He shows it to Jacob, and the two discover a secret message that tells the reader to find the “still point of now,’ which somehow exists between past and present. Jacob is unsure how to find this spot as he feels torn between his life in the 1800s and 2025.

On the way to the pond, Alice runs into Colton, who finally confronts her about her time travel abilities. Alice has no choice but to come clean, confirming Colton’s suspicions. He wants to know why Alice never told him the truth decades ago when he met her as a teenager in Port Haven. Unfortunately, the girl is unable to tell him everything, fearing that this version of Colton might jeopardize his relationship with Alice, who visits his family every few days. Alice tells him that the other Alice is still a newbie at time travel and does not know how it works or how everything plays out. Alice hopes to tell him everything someday, but the moment is not right now. She tells Colton that she enjoyed playing music with him in 1974. In the present, Del is confused as to why Colton never spoke about this to her.

The Way Home Season 3 Ending: Who is the Baby?

One of the big things we saw at the start of season 3 was a mysterious baby left next to the pond by someone. Episode 10 finally confirms that the baby’s identity is none other than Elliot, who was left by the water by his mother. She left a message for him that sought his forgiveness. Elliot is amazed to learn that his mother was a time traveler. However, she could not have used the pond’s power by herself, meaning a Landry must have aided her efforts. Thus, the fourth season already has a strong mystery to solve, which revolves around Elliot’s mother and the Landry family member accompanying her. How did they come into contact, and why was it necessary to leave Elliot behind? These questions will likely haunt Elliot moving forward as he seeks some answers for himself.

Earlier, Elliot also receives his mother’s ring back from Vic. His father left behind a message apologizing for unceremoniously taking it away from Elliot. He is the one who entrusts his mother’s letter to him. Apparently, the message had been in Vic’s possession for a long time. Elliot is clearly surprised by the message’s content, both from his father and later from his mother. He also makes amends with Kat about their broken relationship, realizing they have not adequately communicated their problems and shortcomings. They kiss, and Kat notices Elliot’s mother’s ring on the table, which she naturally assumes could be hers when he proposes. Elliot promises that one day, he will find the perfect moment to pop the question to Kat.

How Much Did Colton Know About the Time Travelers?

One of the big raging conflicts throughout season 3 has been Colton’s knowledge about time travel and his connection with the pond. The truth finally came out near the end of the season: Colton was a time traveler, and he had used the pond to go back in time on a few occasions in his teenage years. However, believing that he broke some rule when he indirectly told Elijah and Jacob the future in 1814, he gave up on using the pond to jump across timelines. After Alice visits his family in 1999, a curious Colton flags down the girl and learns the truth about her as well, as mentioned previously. Later, when Alice, Kat, and Jacob leap into the pond, the former emerges and runs into an excited Colton, who is running towards her, asking her if Jacob fell into the pond.

It seems that Colton visited Lingermore after Jacob’s disappearance to talk with Evelyn. There, he discovered the “My Katherine” portrait they had first seen in their teenage years. However, now, Colton knows who the drawing belongs to – Kat, his daughter. He also connects the dots and realizes that his daughter must have been time-traveling across the ages, which is why some in previous generations know her as the White Witch. At this point, Colton also realizes that he ran into Jacob when he traveled to 1814 as a teenager. He becomes emotional as the memories come crashing down on him, and he learns that both his children are time travelers and people he has interacted with all his life in different eras. He also deduces that Alice is his granddaughter, embracing her tightly as he does so.

With most of the information out, Alice fills Colton in on all the details about their family and the weird interactions they have had across the ages. For Colton, it also allows a bit of solace as Alice tells him that Jacob will return to the present someday. He shares a tender moment with his granddaughter, telling her never to give up her music. Alice is emotional and finally leaves via the pond. Colton follows her in moments later. He emerges a few days back, and he sees his earlier version heading out of the farm. He then finds a young Jacob and assures him that he loves him. Meanwhile, Kat comes back to the present day and leaves Colton’s sweater on the tree’s foot, the same one Elliot later finds. She also pushes her own self into the pond, something we saw earlier from a different point of view.

Meanwhile, Kat and Del emerge out of the pond on the day of Del and Colton’s wedding. Del stays behind to watch the emotional moment, which helps her bring clarity to her memories. When they return to the present, Alice tells Del that by the end, Colton knew the identity of all the time travelers he had met in his lifetime. Kat is overwhelmed to learn that her father did recognize her on the day he died. Del also recalls that Colton had told her that he wanted to talk to her about everything right before he died in the accident. Unfortunately, he was fated to die in the car accident just moments later. Del suddenly feels a sense of closure over her husband, realizing he never kept her in the dark but always loved her first and foremost over everything else save their children.

What Does Casey Reveal? Who are They?

Another significant revelation is the truth behind Casey’s origin. Near the end, Casey shows up outside the Landry farm, where Jacob greets them. The latter then questions them about whether Alice’s theory about them is correct. Casey admits that Alice caught them red-handed, and she is right about them being a time traveler. However, their reasons for visiting Jacob turn out to be something else. After Cyrus lost his voice, he handed Susanna full reins over the estate and the Goodwin legacy. Susanna drafted a will that transferred Lingermore’s property rights to the Landrys rather than the Goodwins. Jacob is amazed to learn the truth, but Casey is already gone by the time he looks up to ask them more questions.

Alice runs into Casey on the way to the farm. She confronts them straight up about their parentage, stating that Alice is their mother and Max the father. Casey makes a confused expression, which throws Alice off. Suddenly, the latter is no longer sure about her theory, and Casey refuses to oblige. They tell Alice that enough rules are being broken by their interactions anyway, and Casey shouldn’t speak more about who they really are or where they come from. After saying good luck to Alice, Casey disappears, and the former has no choice but to let them go. It is certain that Casey will continue to play a significant role in the story moving forward. It will be interesting to see how they connect to the Landrys, Goodwins, and Augustines and what they know overall. However, we may have to wait for season 4 for those answers.

What Happens to Jacob?

After trying to burn down the Goodwin vineyard, Jacob feels embarrassed and ashamed of his actions, mainly how he tried to destroy everything his family has been trying to build over the years. He leaves the Landry farm to apologize to Danny directly. He comes clean to Danny about how he used him to get the security codes at the vineyard. Jacob’s subterfuge hurts Danny, and the former leaves feeling all the more remorseful. Jacob is unsure how to deal with Lewis’s pressing charges. However, he finds some respite when Casey brings up Susanna’s will and how the Lingermore estate belongs to the Landrys. Apparently, Sam had told Casey that old documents like Susanna’s will could still be considered legal and worthwhile. Thus, Casey states that it could be used to keep Lewis from taking any drastic steps toward Jacob. Casey also tells him about Del’s hate letters.

Later, Del returns home to find a note from Jacob alongside all the hate letters that have been sent to her over the last few months. Jacob saw them on his own and after Casey’s words. In the letter, Jacob says that he will be leaving as it could be the only way to stop Del’s letters. She is devastated upon learning the news and contacts Sam immediately. He picks up her call and hears Del. We know that Sam is standing next to the pond and sees its glassy surface with a distant look in his eyes. He assures Del that everything will be okay even when she remains hesitant about his confidence. While we don’t know how Sam is connected to the pond, it is possible that Jacob met with him and had a conversation before leaping into the pond. Sam may have learned the truth from Jacob’s mouth.

We don’t know where or when Jacob disappeared, but Sam may have the answers. The latter may have had assurances from Jacob, who may have also told him to take care of his family while he was gone for a while. Again, these are all likelihoods rather than confirmed truths. We have no idea why Sam is standing next to the pond. For all we know, he may be a time traveler as well. The answers will likely be revealed as we move into season 4 of ‘The Way Home.’

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