Seemingly helmed by Terry Ingram, Hallmark’s ‘My Argentine Heart’ is a romantic comedy movie that follows a young woman named Abril who has deep familial roots in Argentina, a place she holds close to her heart. When she learns about the chances of her family ranch in Argentina being sold to her ex-boyfriend, she wastes no time in booking her flight and flying straight to Argentina herself to stop it from happening.
As Abril confronts Diego, it opens up some old wounds and unresolved feelings between the two. Things take an unexpected turn when something else puts her family ranch in imminent danger. As the former lovers work together to save it, they realize that their love for each other never really died and is still present in some corner of their hearts. Since the story unfolds in the Argentinian countryside, the audience is taken to some visually stunning landscapes throughout the film.
Where Was My Argentine Heart Filmed?
‘My Argentine Heart’ was shot primarily in Argentina, specifically in and around Buenos Aires and Misiones Province. Principal photography for the Hallmark production reportedly took place over the course of a few weeks in the month of November 2024. Each member of the cast and crew supposedly enjoyed their time in the South American country, which is quite evident through their social media activity at the time. For instance, one of the cast members, Juan Pablo Di Pace, said, “What a gift, working in my beautiful country, with an amazing crew…”
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Many pivotal sequences for ‘My Argentine Heart’ were lensed in and around Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. In particular, several areas of Caminito Street located in the La Boca neighborhood of the city were transformed into movie sets as important exterior scenes were taped against the colorful background of the street museum. However, when it comes to shooting the family ranch scenes, the production team traveled to the city of San Antonio de Areco, which is situated just outside of the capital.
To be specific, Estancia La Porteña at Ruta Nacional No. 8, Hasta El Km 110 in San Antonio de Areco doubled as the family ranch of Abril. The filming unit took over the property and the surrounding areas to record various indoor and outdoor portions, mainly involving the protagonists. Built in the 19th century, the 180-year-old Argentinian ranch is considered the oldest in the area, making it an ideal production location for the Hallmark project.
Misiones Province, Argentina
For shooting purposes, the filming unit of ‘My Argentine Heart’ also set up camp in the Argentinian province of Misiones. The cast and crew members were spotted taping multiple exterior scenes around the Iguazu Falls. Originating from the eponymous river, the waterfalls make up the largest waterfall system in the world. The magnificence and beauty of the Iguazu Falls enhance the value of the scenes shot against their backdrop.
My Argentine Heart Cast
The cast of ‘My Argentine Heart’ is led by two Buenos Aires-born actors: Julie Gonzalo and Juan Pablo Di Pace. This isn’t their first time sharing the screen, as the duo has previously worked on the TV show ‘Dallas,’ where the former portrays Pamela Rebecca Barnes and Juan plays Nicolás Treviño.
Julie Gonzalo as Abril
The ‘Supergirl’ fame Julie Gonzalo dons the garb of Abril, the young woman with the family ranch in Argentina, in ‘My Argentine Heart.’ Widely recognized for her role in ‘Veronica Mars’ as Parker Lee, she stars in several other TV shows, such as ‘Greetings from Tuscon,’ ‘Eli Stone,’ and ‘The Good Doctor.’ When it comes to her movie credits, she can also be spotted in ‘Happy Holidays from Cherry Lane,’ ‘3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1 Ghost,’ ‘Flip That Romance,’ ‘Falling for Vermont,’ and ‘Pumpkin Pie Wars.’
Juan Pablo Di Pace as Diego
In the Hallmark production, Juan Pablo Di Pace portrays the role of Diego, Abril’s ex-boyfriend. Besides being an actor, the multi-talented artist is also known for being a director, musician, and writer. A regular face in TV projects, Juan is widely recognized for starring in ‘Fuller House,’ ‘Camp,’ ‘Physics or Chemistry,’ ‘Travesuras de la Niña Mala,’ ‘Minutiae,’ and ‘Supercharly.’ He also appears in movies of various genres, such as ‘Branching Out,’ ‘The Mattachine Family,’ ‘Raise a Glass to Love,’ and ‘Dashing in December.’
Read More: Hallmark’s The Sweetest Heart: Filming Locations and Cast Details