Zoe Old: Where is Forrest Fenn’s Daughter Now?

Netflix’s documentary series ‘Gold & Greed: The Hunt for Fenn’s Treasure’ centers on the treasure hunt created by Forrest Fenn, a Santa Fe art dealer whose plans to leave behind a legacy turned into a massive adventure quest for aspiring hunters everywhere. The show highlights the perils of fame and how Fenn’s life changed following his announcement of a treasure chest buried in the Rocky Mountains. As time passed, Fenn’s family also got wrapped up in the affair as the fallout from the obsession the treasure created bled into their lives. Zoe Old, Fenn’s daughter, was one of those who felt the effects of her father’s ambitious treasure hunt take root in her life and the lives of her children. It was a tough period for the family and their physical and mental well-being.

Zoe Old Was Fearful of Overzealous Hunters Showing Up at the Family Home

When Forrest Fenn started his treasure hunt in 2010, Zoe Old was already a mother. As interest increased in Fenn’s treasure, the family found itself increasingly at the end of cryptic fan mails, death threats, and, on occasion, treasure hunters seeking fortune at the house. The Netflix documentary showcases how one such man trespassed into the house’s premises while Fenn, his wife Peggy, and Zoe were out. When they returned, they found the man in the driveway, having already broken into the home and allegedly trying to make way with a chest full of linen belonging to Shiloh Old, Zoe’s son.

Zoe claimed that she held him at gunpoint, fearful for the safety of her family. The cops arrived on the scene and diffused the situation. The perpetrator alleged that the treasure hunt had led him to the Fenn residence, where he believed the reward was located. Another frightening encounter took place when a man named Francisco Chavez, AKA Paco, started stalking Zoe’s daughter. He was a treasure hunter who had disrupted the privacy of the Fenn family on a few occasions, including sending messages and showing up at their doorstep.

According to a police statement, Chavez was under the illusion that the treasure Fenn wrote about in his memoir was actually talking about his granddaughter. As such, the man had allegedly made designs on stalking her and “acquiring” her somehow. Worried about her daughter’s safety, Zoe called the authorities and set them on Chavez. A restraining order was filed against him. Around 2019, Paco was jailed by authorities after being accused of stalking Fenn’s relative. The case illustrated the unintended repercussions of the treasure hunt and how it had adversely affected the family.

Zoe Old Prefers to Lead a Life Away From the Spotlight Today

After the treasure was located by a man named Jack Stuef in 2020, the spotlight on the Fenn family was expected to reduce. However, controversies began surrounding the exact details of the finding and whether it was all a hoax created by Forrest Fenn. The family members were harassed by the treasure hunters, who refused to believe in the validity of the claims. People also showed up at the door, seeking answers about the treasure’s recovery. Zoe Old expressed her frustration with the period and how much she wished they would leave her family alone. In September 2020, Fenn passed away, which led to a period of mourning for the entire family. During that time, Stuef decided to come forward with his identity and the details behind how he found the treasure, which helped the Fenns move on to some degree, especially with the number of lawsuits leveled at them.

Zoe’s son, Shiloh, took up a role in his father’s company, Old Wood LLC, as a Yard Manager. She was admiring of his zeal to make a difference and praised his drive. In November 2022, Santa Fe New Mexican reported that Fenn’s residence on 1021 Old Santa Fe Trail was listed on Chris Webster at a value slightly over $5 million, which is ironically more than the actual treasure’s worth. During the piece, Zoe stated that the house is “an oasis in the middle of town.” Although the family has since moved out of there, Zoe and her children practically grew up there. Today, she maintains a low profile, which is possibly due to the attention, controversy, and dangers Fenn’s treasure brought over the family for around a decade. She is likely living her life in relative quiet with her husband, David Old, to keep her company.

Read More: Justin Posey: Where is the Treasure Hunter Now?