Argylle: Does Alfie The Cat Die?

Matthew Vaughn’s ‘Argylle’ is a spy thriller film revolving around a novelist whose action-filled stories about an agent blur the line between fiction and reality. While reclusive author Elly Conway works on the fifth edition of her highly anticipated spy series, life throws a plot twist her way in the form of real-life agent Aidan Wilde, an espionage specialist whose tale shares an uncanny resemblance to Elly’s fictional protagonist. Thus, the writer’s ability to jot down real-life instances that she had no prior knowledge of puts her in real danger with the bad guys whom Elly had wrongly assumed to be confined to fiction.

However, as Elly embarks on an unexpected adventure alongside Aiden— seemingly the only person who can keep her alive— she isn’t entirely alone. Instead, while her life gets turned upside down, her trusty cat, Alfie, remains by Elly’s side. As a result, given the increasingly dangerous altercations that Alfie partakes in, viewers must have worried about the feline’s fate. SPOILERS AHEAD!

Alfie and His Outlandish Adventures

Alfie remains a constant companion by Elly’s side from the film’s beginning. Elly isn’t inclined toward investing in romantic relationships and is a homebody who spends her days typing out her upcoming best-seller while hanging out with her cat. For the same reason, once the woman decides to travel to London for new inspiration, she brings her cat along— in a signature argyle-print cat carrier backpack.

However, Elly’s trip to London also leads to the astonishing reveal that her books have been tracking real-life agents and conspiracies all this time. Thus begins Elly’s— and by association Alfie’s— descent into dangerous escapades. After Aiden arrives in Elly’s life, the human-pet duo undergoes instances where they parachute off moving trains, unsuccessfully hide under safehouse floorboards, and jump off buildings.

Still, Alfie manages to survive through it all under Elly’s careful watch. Nonetheless, the pair end up having to split ways after the latter realizes her whole life as Novelist Elly Conway had been a farce, born of brainwashing. Even though Elly hadn’t wanted to leave Alfie behind, the circumstances left little room for else. Furthermore, while the two remain apart, Elly learns that she’s actually a spy herself, Rachel Kylle, who was being manipulated into writing about her own adventures to uncover secrets.

More startingly, Elly— now Rachel, recalls that she doesn’t even like cats and was actually a dog person before her brainwashing. Nevertheless, the stakes had risen considerably in the meantime, forcing Rachel to feign indifference about Alfie’s life in favor of the mission. Nonetheless, Rachel returns for Alfie as the plan progresses, reclaiming him under her safe watch.

In the end, Rachel and Aiden manage to best their enemy— Ritter and his villainous Division— with some assistance from the cat. As such, they are able to return to a regular life. Rachel doesn’t give up on her life as Elly Conway and goes on to write and publish her final book in the “Argylle” series. Alfie, who survived every adventure beside Rachel, remains the spy’s loyal companion.

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