Killer Soup: Is Mainjur a Real City? Is Suicide Point an Actual Place?

Following the dysfunctional marriage of Swathi and Prabhu Shetty and its lethal outcomes, ‘Killer Soup,’ a Hindi comedy thriller show, depicts a riveting tale with unforeseen beats and twists. Once Swathi’s extramarital affair with Umesh, Prabhu’s near-identical lookalike, comes out in the open, it leads to a series of events that end in the husband’s untimely death. As a result, Swathi finds herself cooking up the con of her life that hinges on turning Umehs into Prabhu by scarring half his face with acid.

Consequently, Swathi decides to use the opportunity to snag herself the restaurant that her husband always promised to buy her but never fulfilled. Nevertheless, as the duo embark on this journey, their paths remain crossed with Prabhu’s older brother, Arvind, and the local cop, Hassan, who’s hellbent on figuring out the Shettys odd secret. Regardless of the tale’s outlandish narratives, the show paints a realistic background for Swathi’s story to unfold in the small town of Mainjur. Thus, viewers might wonder about the real-life origins of this town and its famed sights, such as the Suicide Point.

Mainjur, A Fictional Backdrop For a Fictional Story

No, Mainjur from ‘Killer Soup’ is not based on a real-life city. While not much is known about the town’s geographical locations, it’s easy to figure out Mainjur’s South Indian roots from social context clues. Nevertheless, there isn’t any town of the same name in the South Indian states, which renders Mainjur a fictitious town created for the purpose of storytelling. In reality, ‘Killer Soup’ was filmed in Munnar, Kerela, for the most part.

The show relies on building a specific social ecosystem within the town, constructed around The Shettys. Specifically, Prabhu’s older brother, Arvind “Anneh” Shetty, is depicted as a highly influential individual with enough money and power to have considerable control over even the police force within the town. Since almost all of The Shettys, alongside Mainjur’s other residents, are fictional characters, their setting in a similarly fictional town allows viewers to suspend their disbelief better.

For the same reason, despite Arvind’s lack of basis in real life, the viewers are less invested in his fictionality since they’re already unacquainted with other elements surrounding his character. As such, the unfamiliar nature of Mainjur City ends up playing a hand in allowing viewers to immerse themselves in the events that unfold within the town regardless of their offbeat nature.

Nevertheless, since the show was shot in Munnar, some details of the real-life town end up bleeding into Mainjur’s fictionalized city. Suicide Point, an instrumental landmark within the show, remains one such detail. In the show, the narrative introduces the Suicide Point as a disposable detail. Nonetheless, the location ends up playing a significant part in the story since it remains one of the many crime scenes connected to Swathi and her expansive plan.

In real life, landmarks dubbed Suicide Point often exist across different towns in almost all Indian Hill Stations. Himachal Pradesh’s Kalpa village sports one of the most famous Suicide Points, named for its dangerous, life-threatening cliffside. Similarly, Munnar possesses a Suicide Point cliffside, also known as an Echo Point, for its reverberating qualities.

Thus, the location depicted within ‘Killer Point’ is likely crafted after its real-life counterpart in Munnar. Nevertheless, outside of the geographical context, the events showcased to take place in Mainjur and its Suicide Point are all fictional in nature.

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