Sugar: Is Société Polyglotte Cosmopolitaine a Real Organization?

In the third episode of Apple TV+’s detective series ‘Sugar,’ John Sugar attends a party thrown by the Société Polyglotte Cosmopolitaine, an organization of, as the name suggests, a group of polyglots. Ruby welcomes and addresses the gathering in several languages such as Spanish, Arabic, and lastly, English. Sugar, while talking to the members of the group, displays his proficiency in French. The writers of the show made Sugar a grounded figure by placing himself in reality. He is a graduate of institutions such as Vassar College and Defense Language Institute, which are real. However, that isn’t the case with the polyglot organization!

The Mystery Behind the Polyglots

The Société Polyglotte Cosmopolitaine is a fictional organization conceived by the writers of the series for its narrative. Considering that John Sugar attended the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, it is not surprising that he is in a multilingual organization. The individuals who attend the party can be the members of the institute’s alumni. Having said that, David Siegel’s suggestion that the organization is a cover for a group of spies cannot be completely discarded. The words Ruby speaks while addressing the gathering at the party hint that there can be more to the polyglot society than the show has explicitly revealed to the viewers.

While talking to the members of the organization, Ruby talks about their “work” and it doesn’t seem like she is referring to the individual profession of the people who attend the party. If she is talking about their collective “work,” the chances of them being spies are high. She also describes the “work” as something they cannot fail to do, which indicates that their collective work is very significant with zero tolerance for failure. Such a high stake is often seen in the field of espionage. Thus, it will not be a surprise if Sugar and his fellow polyglot friends are vigilante spies who set out to make the world a better place, especially considering his principles.

Furthermore, Ruby’s relief that the members of the group have “safely” returned for the gathering makes it evident that they can be putting their lives on the line while “working.” Another important clue the third episode of the show offers is hidden in the conversation between Henry and Sugar. Henry describes Sugar’s work as a private investigator the “other” profession, indicating he is not primarily a detective. If the polyglots are really involved in the field of espionage, it makes sense that the anthropologist identifies his friend as a spy first and a private investigator second.

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